Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I select ALPHA IOTA SIGMA student inductees?
ALPHA IOTA SIGMA student inductees are chosen via faculty nomination. ALPHA IOTA SIGMA student inductees are also selected for their exemplary GPA.
Q: What are the national requirements for student membership?
Student members must be currently enrolled in a member college or university, be majoring in an interdisciplinary program as noted in the chapter application, hold a GPA of 3.3 or higher if their local chapter requires it and present to the Executive Council the student application(s) along with applicable fees. Local chapters may have additional requirements.
Q: How do I conduct the ALPHA IOTA SIGMA initiation ceremony?
ALPHA IOTA SIGMA chapters are urged to plan the initiation ceremony in keeping with their program and university policies.
Q: How do I select ALPHA IOTA SIGMA chapter officers and what are their duties?
The Faculty Sponsor and her/his program should set the criteria for chapter officer elections. The executive council has established three chapter officer roles – President, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer.
The President will call meetings, preside at meetings, appoint committees and provide general supervision of the affairs of the society in consultation with the Faculty Sponsor.
The Vice-President will assist the President and assume the responsibilities of the President in case of his/her absence.
The Secretary/Treasurer will collect all dues and assessments of members; to pay bills sanctioned by the society; to keep an account of all receipts and expenditures (with the assistance of the Vice-President); to keep and read minutes of meetings and to report on the activities and financial status of the chapter at each regular meeting and at the yearly meeting of the Executive Council. Additional duties may be assigned by the local chapter’s Faculty Sponsor as necessary.
Q: What type of activities can/should my ALPHA IOTA SIGMA chapter accomplish?
ALPHA IOTA SIGMA chapters are urged to plan research, service and recognition events in keeping with their program and university policies. A highlight for students is the ALPHA IOTA SIGMA commencement honor cord. Faculty Sponsors should work with the Executive Council to secure the appropriate honors regalia for their student members well before each commencement ceremony.
Q: What is required of an ALPHA IOTA SIGMA chapter?
Each local chapter must include a Faculty Sponsor and student chapter officers of President, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer. Each chapter must adhere to the Constitution and Bylaws, maintain institutional membership in ALPHA IOTA SIGMA and send at least one representative to the yearly ALPHA IOTA SIGMA Conference to participate in the annual meeting of the Executive Council. Each chapter must have at least one regular meeting of the chapter each term. All fees – chapter induction, member induction, annual membership fee and local membership fee (if required) – must be paid.
Q: What costs are involved?
There is a one-time chapter installation fee of $100, student membership fee options and an annual chapter fee of $50 payable annually – due October 31 each year.
Q: Can I use a departmental credit card to pay for my ALPHA IOTA SIGMA order?
Yes, credit card payments can be made for chapter induction and renewal fees. If a department wished to pay for student membership fees with a credit card, please contact us for an invoice.
Q: How do ALPHA IOTA SIGMA members participate in the annual Association for Interdisciplinary Studies conference?
Each chapter is required to send at least one representative to the annual conference of the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies conference and to the annual meeting of the Executive Council held during the conference. Chapters are encouraged to register as many chapter members as possible for this rich opportunity for interdisciplinary research, connection, and collaboration. Local chapters are responsible for all fees related to member participation in the annual conference.
Q: Does ALPHA IOTA SIGMA offer any awards?
Alpha Iota Sigma hosts a Paper/Poster competition each year in conjunction with the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies annual conference. Announcements for this competition are sent out to students through our email list. Make sure to ask your faculty advisor for more information.
Q: Where can I get the Alpha Iota Sigma Honor Society Honor Cords for my students for commencement.
Honor Cords for Alpha Iota Sigma are royal blue and white braided cords with tassels. Please visit our Store.
Q. How do I become a member of the honor society?
If you are a faculty member, check the requirements for founding an honor society chapter at your university. These can be found on the online application form and are summarized below:
Host institution/unit offers a minimum of 2 interdisciplinary courses
Host institution/unity is a member in good standing of the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies, and agrees to pay current AIS honor society chapter fees, and follow the Alpha Iota Sigma bylaws and constitution policies and guidelines including the appointment of chapter officers, a representative at the annual meeting, etc.
Q. I am a student. Can I start an Alpha Iota Sigma honor society at my institution?
A student may not start a chapter at an institution without a sponsoring faculty member who should be actively associated with the interdisciplinary unit at the institution. The faculty member should complete the application process.
Q. How much does it cost to become a member of the honor society?
There is a modest, one-time membership fee and a one-time induction fee for new chapters. After this, an annual membership fee is due from the institution. Chapters should set annual student membership fees at a rate that is manageable but that can support activities and contribute to events as the sponsoring faculty member sees fit.
Q. Do I send in the student letters of application and other supporting documents to the Alpha Iota Sigma?
No. Chapter Faculty Advisors should send a copy of student applications along with membership fees. Photographs of inductees at their ceremonies are gratefully received for publication on the Alpha Iota Sigma website.
Q. What are the benefits of joining the honor society?
The honor society is designed to promote excellence in interdisciplinary studies. Students will have an opportunity to connect with other Alpha Iota Sigma students, both at the host institution, and, potentially, at the annual AIS conference which hosts a panel of honor student work. Membership of an honor society is a great resume builder, and you will have the opportunity to forge a network with other honor students from across the country. Additionally, the honor society has a Facebook page to facilitate virtual communication among its student members and to promote the activities in which the honor society members are engaged.

© 2017, Alpha Iota Sigma